Tag Archives: Feedstock: Biomass

Process Synthesis and Global Optimization of Novel Ammonia Production Processes

Doga Demirhan*, William Tso, Efstratios Pistikopoulos
Texas A&M University, United States

NH3 Fuel Conference, Minneapolis, November 2, 2017
AIChE Annual Meeting, Topical Conference: NH3 Energy+


Synthetic ammonia production has played a huge role in sustaining population growth by providing the nitrogen in fertilizers that are widely used in modern agriculture. Even long after it was first commercially developed by Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch in the 1930s, the Haber-Bosch process remains the basis for industrial ammonia production today. Through reducing energy requirements by half in the last 50 years, centralized industrial plants have kept their technical and economic advantage over other modes of operation. However, the centralized production also comes with high transportation costs, since plant capacities usually exceed local ammonia consumption [1]. This and the fact that conventional ammonia production is a major contributor of world greenhouse gas emissions (due to natural gas being one of its feedstocks) are motivating factors for researchers to consider alternative methods for smaller-scale and more environmentally-friendly ammonia production [2]. Continue reading

Life-cycle greenhouse gas and energy balance of community-scale wind powered ammonia production

Joel Tallaksen* (1), Fredric Bauer (2), Christian Hulteberg (2), Michael Reese (1), and Serina Ahlgren (3)
(1) West Central Research & Outreach Center, University of Minnesota
(2) Department of Chemical Engineering, Lund University, Sweden,
(3) Department of Energy and Technology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

11th Annual NH3 Fuel Conference, September 23, 2014 Continue reading

Production of Ammonia and Nitrogen Fertilizers based on Biomass

Research efforts in Sweden

Serina Ahlgren
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Energy and Technology
Tenth Annual NH3 Fuel Conference, September 23, 2013
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Ohio University — CEER

Ammonia Electrolysis Cell

Research at Ohio University’s Center for Electrochemical Engineering Research (CEER) has shown that hydrogen is evolved by electrolysis of an aqueous ammonia solution at a small fraction of the electric energy required from water electrolysis. Continue reading