Tag Archives: Engines: Hybrid Electric

Key Life Cycle Assessment Numbers for NH3, Green and Brown Energy

Yusuf Bicer1, Ibrahim Dincer1, Calin Zamfirescu1, Greg Vezina2*, Frank Raso2
1 Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, and 2 Hydrofuel Inc., Canada

NH3 Fuel Conference, Los Angeles, September 20, 2016


This talk will present the results of two recent studies.

In the first study, four different ammonia production methods are comparatively evaluated using life cycle assessment (LCA). Continue reading

Carbon Free liquid fuel for tomorrow’s piston and turbine generators

Doug Barnett
Green Party of California, USA

NH3 Fuel Conference, Los Angeles, September 19, 2016


In the 1960s the US Army and University of California modified and flew military helicopter and fixed-wing turbine aircraft by burning pure ammonia. The plan was to generate NH3 from local air & water in remote locations, sparing little expense by modifying only the engine’s firebox and air intake. Continue reading

Further Evolution of an Ammonia Fuelled Range Extender for Hybrid Vehicles

Stefano Frigo* and Roberto Gentili, University of Pisa
11th Annual NH3 Fuel Conference, September 22, 2014
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A Hybrid Vehicle Powered by Hydrogen and Ammonia

Giuseppe Pozzana (1), Neri Bonfanti (1), Roberto Gentili (2), Stefano Frigo (2), Nicolò Doveri (3), Paolo Dario (4), Virgilio Mattoli (5), Marina Ragnoli (6)
(1) Pont-Tech, (2) University of Pisa, (3) EDI – Progetti & Sviluppo, (4) Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, (5) Center for Micro-BioRobotics, IIT, (6) Acta Energy
Tenth Annual NH3 Fuel Conference, September 24, 2013
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