Renewable NH3 and Direct NH3 Fuel Cells
Natural Resources Canada is pursuing research and development of renewable NH3 and direct NH3 fuel cells, for clean, distributed electricity generation.
Direct ammonia fuel cells use ammonia without a cracking step to produce hydrogen. These fuel cells will enable high efficiency conversion of ammonia to electric power, and thus be able to take advantage of the superior energy density storage of ammonia compared to hydrogen, with applications in distributed power generation and combined heat and power.
NH3 Fuel Conference Papers
2012: Renewable NH3 and Direct NH3 Fuel Cells: Canadian R&D for Clean, Distributed Electricity Generation [PDF]
2007: Development of Direct Ammonia Fuel Cells for Efficient Stationary CHP Applications [PDF]
2005: Direct Ammonia Fuel Cells for Distributed Power Generation and CHP [PDF]
Further Information
Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Canada
Contact: Andy McFarlan, 613-995-2376.