Tag Archives: NH3 Production: Renewable

Ammonia as an Energy Carrier for Renewable Energy

A Thermodynamic Consideration

Ken-ichi Aika
Research Office of Energy Carrier, Department of Green Innovation, Japan Science and Technology Agency
Tenth Annual NH3 Fuel Conference, September 24, 2013
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Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis from Water and Nitrogen using Solid State Ion Conductors

Chung-Yul Yoo (1), Jong Hoon Joo (1), Si Young Jang (1), Ji Haeng Yu (1), Ha-Na Jeong (2), Chan Hee Hyeong (2), Hyung Chul Yoon (2), Jong-Nam Kim (2)
(1) Energy Materials and Convergence Research Department, (2) Clean Fuel Department, Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)
Tenth Annual NH3 Fuel Conference, September 24, 2013
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Production of Ammonia and Nitrogen Fertilizers based on Biomass

Research efforts in Sweden

Serina Ahlgren
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Energy and Technology
Tenth Annual NH3 Fuel Conference, September 23, 2013
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Ammonia Production Using Wind Energy

An Early Calculation of Life Cycle Carbon Emissions and Fossil Energy Consumption

Joel Tallaksen and Michael Reese
University of Minnesota, West Central Research and Outreach Center
Tenth Annual NH3 Fuel Conference, September 23, 2013
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New Scientist: Grab ammonia out of thin air for fuel of the future

New Scientist, August 6, 2013

AS VITAL chemicals go, it’s hard to beat ammonia. Industrial production began in the early 20th century, and it played a key role in the second world war and in two Nobel prizes. It brought about a global revolution in agriculture – today, crops grown using ammonia-based fertilisers feed no less than 48 per cent of the planet. Could ammonia also be the clean fuel of the future?

Continue reading at New Scientist.

The AmVeh – an ammonia fueled car from South Korea

South Korean researchers have successfully road-tested a dual fuel passenger car that runs on a mixture of ammonia and gasoline. It is called the AmVeh and was developed by members of the Ammonia Research Group at the Korean Institute for Energy Research (KIER).

Ammonia-gasoline dual fuel, and pure ammonia engines
AmVeh, Korean Institute for Energy ResearchThe prototype vehicle uses a fuel ratio of 70% ammonia to 30% gasoline to power a spark ignition engine. As ammonia contains no carbon, this fuel ratio results in a corresponding 70% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, compared to pure gasoline.

The AmVeh team is now focused on improving the fuel system and the exhaust after-treatment system. Once these are optimized, they aim to develop an engine system that runs on ammonia alone, without any support from gasoline. The emissions from this carbon-free vehicle would be pure water and nitrogen.

The engine system demonstrated in the AmVeh would enable conventional vehicles to be converted to ammonia fuel. Continue reading

Renewable Ammonia from Biomass: SynGest, BioNitrogen, Agrebon

Renewable ammonia producer SynGest is now featured on the Fueling Growth website, which aims to show “How clean fuel companies are fueling economic growth in California and beyond.” Fueling Growth is a project of Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2).

SynGest uses a process to convert biomass to nitrogen fertilizer, and is “focused on replacing the fossil fuel energy used in agriculture with entirely sustainable and renewable alternatives.”

Fueling Growth’s video interview with SynGest CEO, Jack Oswald
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSgmZzt-shQ?rel=0]

“We are right on the cusp of rolling out, on a large scale, billions and billions of gallons of truly low carbon renewable fuels. SynGest takes renewable biomass … and we convert that into nitrogen fertilizer products. We are just about to embark on building our first commercial scale plant, and that’ll be the first domino of what will be hundreds of these plants within the United States.” Continue reading

Ohio University — CEER

Ammonia Electrolysis Cell

Research at Ohio University’s Center for Electrochemical Engineering Research (CEER) has shown that hydrogen is evolved by electrolysis of an aqueous ammonia solution at a small fraction of the electric energy required from water electrolysis. Continue reading

Natural Resources Canada

Renewable NH3 and Direct NH3 Fuel Cells

Natural Resources Canada is pursuing research and development of renewable NH3 and direct NH3 fuel cells, for clean, distributed electricity generation. Continue reading

University of Minnesota

Wind to Ammonia

The University of Minnesota – West Central Research and Outreach Center has configured a system to convert wind energy into ammonia. Continue reading